The Foundation’s diverse statewide Board of Directors sets policies for implementation by experienced and competent staff members. Fiduciary responsibilities are met by wisely managing funds to support Methodist ministries.
Throughout our history, remarkable individual board members have made personal gifts of time, talents, and resources to allow the Foundation to grow.
Board of Directors 2023-2024
Todd Burris, Conway
Rev. Andreá Cummings, Baltimore, MD
Dr. Debra Fiser, Little Rock
Rev. J.J. Galloway, Hot Springs
Sam Gibson, Benton
Rev. Phil Hathcock, Maumelle
Bert Kell, Rogers
Bill Kincaid, Fayetteville
Eddie Martin, Little Rock
Bishop Laura Merrill, Little Rock
Rev. Ronnie Miller-Yow, Little Rock
Gary Nutter, Texarkana
Loria Oliver, Rogers
Rev. Ken Pearson, North Little Rock
Jill Penick, Little Rock
Rev. Jim Polk, Benton
Jan Pugh, Lake Village
Rev. Bud Reeves, Fort Smith
Rev. Judy Rudd, Pine Bluff
Steve Shults, Little Rock
Dewitt Smith, Ninety-Six, SC
Dr. Calvin White, Jr., Fayetteville